I'm an undergraduate student (BICT) (Hons) at Rajarata University of Sri Lanka. Also, I'm a Web developer, Android App Developer, Content writer and excellent in common sense with decision making abilities. I have exposure in other fields like Software Engineering and AI fields. I am quite enthusiastic about learning new and emerging technologies, and always looks for something new to try out. I mainly work with Full Stack Technologies. I have been able to complete a lot of diverse set of projects.
Download CVReal time web chat application project developed by using Reactjs and Socket.io.
A web application show real time covid-19 updates. This project developed by using ReactJS.
Open world car racing game developed by unity and C#. Also used custom models.
I'm now working as secretary of ATIT Rajarata (Association of Technology IT) also former editor at ARICT (Association of Rajarata Information and Communications Technology). I'm Web content writer and Designer at several online platforms. Those are Mozilla Sri Lanka, ReadHub, EEEFA (Empowering Equal Education for All). I am passionate about the fields of data science, artificial intelligence.
Read moreDevelop website using latest frameworks.
Make arduino based IOT,Robotic projects.
Android and web apps development.
Create unique and professional interfaces, logos.
Photography, videos and make promotional videos.
You can contact me through the links below